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Maryland Council of Chapters - MOAA

Calendar Details for 19 Oct 2022

Montgomery-County Monthly Chapter Meeting-The Psychology of Covid
Start Time: 12:00
End Time: 14:00
Venue: Manor Country Club
Contact: Dave Peterson Phone: 301.921.6357

Monthly Meeting Announcement — Montgomery County Chapter Wednesday, October 19, 2022 Camaraderie at 1200 Luncheon at 1230 Our speaker for this month’s event will be LTC Ross H. Pastel, USA (Ret); PhD Adjunct Professor, Medical and Clinical Psychology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences His topic will be: “The Psychology of Covid” This should be a topic of great interest to all of us, and will be presented by a relative of one of our chapter members. Please plan to join us, as the pandemic is still with us and this talk should help us learn to live with it.

Location: Manor Country Club 14901 Carrolton Road Rockville, MD Club Phone 301-929-1700 Go to for detailed directions. Free parking. Cost: $30 (at door, exact change or check much appreciated) includes 4-course buffet meal w/beverage and a free door prize raffle ticket. ( A cash bar is also available.)

RSVP Dave Peterson 301-233-8090 or

Maryland Council of Chapters - MOAA

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