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Maryland Veterans Commission

The Maryland Veterans Commission advises the Secretary of Veterans Affairs on all issues relating to veterans and is authorized 30 commissioners.  Twenty nine positions are filled with one remaining as a member at large.  Commissioners are appointed to five-year terms by the Governor and the Governor names the Chair. Maj Jim Shiffrin, USAF (Ret), currently represents the Maryland Council of Chapters on this Commission (through 2027). For more details, click HERE.

Here is a summary of the 16 April 2024 Commission meeting:

Comments from Deputy Secretary Ross Cohen:

  • There will be Memorial Day ceremonies at all 5 Veterans Cemeteries.
  • Over 3100 people have filed claims with the Md VA in 2024, they paid out $28,000,000.
  • The Website is being redesigned, due out in the summer.
  • Charlotte Hall has a new pharmacy and other upgrades to the facility.
  • The design team for the second Veterans Home in Sykesville is meeting weekly.
  • The third home will be built in Perry Point.
  • There is no action on an Eastern Shore home.
  • The Department has acquired 52 acres from the former Rosewood Hospital to expand Garrison Forest Cemetery.
  • The director of the Maryland Trust Fund (who was new in January) has left for another State agency. As of the end of February, there is a 120 pause on accepting new applications or making any grants. They are in the process of hiring a new Director.
  • 24 Veteran/Military Family bills passed the Legislature in the 2024 session:
  • The Department’s new name is “Department of Veterans and Military Families”, effective 1 July. There will be a new Deputy Secretary of Military Family Policy and Programs.
  • The Family Serve Act directs State agencies to give hiring preference to spouses, similar to that given to veterans.
  • The Time to Serve Act extends the amount of Military Leave for State employees who are in the National Guard or Reserves.

James Marchinke, Md Dept of Labor briefed on a program to help find jobs for veterans and family members. They offer expedited licensing for those with military experience (like CDL, RN, etc.)

Aaron Mowery briefed on the Boots to Suits program that provides networking for Veterans, family members, and supporters.

Arielle Jordan briefed on a program to support Veteran mental wellness

The Homeless Veterans subcommittee reported there were (at least) 624 unsheltered veterans placed in shelters last year. About 5% of them return to the street.


The next meeting of the Maryland Veterans’ Commission will be on 16 Jul2024.

Here are recent minutes from the Commission:

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Previous Minutes:
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